Published on December 2, 2020 Updated on January 19, 2021

The Campus hosts its member institutions’ training courses in fully equipped seminar rooms and multifunction rooms. In addition, it provides working areas for students.


At the Aubervilliers site, classrooms are situated throughout the ground floors of the South and North research buildings. The multifunction rooms at the Conference centre are also used for teaching.

Every room is equipped with a board, a video-projector and Ethernet connectors for the professor or speaker.


Outside mealtimes (including table laying, serving meals and cleaning) the Crous restaurant dining room will become a study and common area for students as of October 2019. Plug sockets and internet access are available at the high-level tables.

When it opens in 2021, the "Grand équipement documentaire" Library (GED) will offer reading areas and around forty group working rooms (for 4, 8 or 16 people), for masters students upwards. These students will also be allowed to access the 60-seat archives room to consult scientific archives and rare documents (upon request). In addition, a room for undergraduate students will also be available on the ground floor.

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